package Cyberfair::Page; use strict; BEGIN { use Exporter (); use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK $VERSION); $VERSION = '0.01'; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(); @EXPORT_OK = qw(read_page build_page write_page); } sub read_page { # invoked with a full pathname as argument, # returns a hash suitable for # feeding to &build_page my $pathname = shift; my %return_hash; local $/; # slurp mode (undef) open IN, "$pathname" or die "Couldn't open $pathname for reading: $!"; my $page = ; close IN; return unless $page; if ($page =~ m#(.*)#i) { $return_hash{title} = $1; } while ($page =~ m##gi) { $return_hash{$1} = $2; } if ($page =~ /.+\s*(.+?)\s*/s) { $return_hash{content} = $1; } return %return_hash; } sub build_page { # given a suitable parameter hash, build a CyberFair page # and return it my %param = ( type => 'cf', # these are title => 'Untitled Document', # defaults... description => '', keywords => '', content => '', @_, # supplied name-value pairs come in here ); # translate the various META params into a merged $meta_block for # substituting into the template. my @meta_params = qw(type description keywords name writer editor illustrator photographer); my $meta_block = ''; foreach my $meta_param (@meta_params) { if ($param{$meta_param}) { $meta_block .= < EndOfText delete $param{$meta_param}; } } $param{meta_block} = $meta_block; my $template = < %%title%% %%meta_block%%

CyberFair 2000 Project
Main School
Carpinteria, California, USA

Carpinteria Valley Leaders
Arts & Entertainment
Sports & Recreation
Community Services

About This Site
Who Made This Site?
Why an Avocado Tree?
Project Narrative Information Sources

EndOfText # replace %%quoted%% words with values in %param hash $template =~ s{ %% ( .*? ) %% } { exists( $param{$1} ) ? $param{$1} : '' }gex; return $template; } sub write_page { # invoked with a full path and an HTML page, # writes the page to that file location. # will create directories as it goes, as needed. # issues a warning and returns undef (without # writing anything) if the page exists already # and is anything other than a regular text file. my($full_path, $made_page) = @_; unless ($full_path =~ /\.html$/) { warn "$full_path does not end with '.html'\n"; return; } unless ($full_path =~ /^\//) { warn "$full_path does not begin with a slash\n"; return; } if (-l $full_path) { warn "$full_path is a symbolic link\n"; return; } if (-B $full_path) { warn "$full_path is a binary file\n"; return; } # still here? good. make any needed directories... my $dir_path = $full_path; $dir_path =~ s{/[^/]+$}{}; # lose last '/' and ensuing filename &make_dirs($dir_path) or die "problem with &make_dirs on '$dir_path'..."; open OUT, ">$full_path" or die "can't open $full_path for writing: $!"; print OUT $made_page; close OUT or die "can't close $full_path filehandle: $!"; chmod 0644, $full_path or die "couldn't chmod $full_path to 0644"; 1; } sub make_dirs { # invoked with an argument consisting of a full pathname, # split it on '/' and check each component to see if it # is a currently-existing directory. If it isn't, create it # with permissions of 0755. # the last component is skipped if it contains any periods. this # is intended to avoid accidentally creating a directory out of # what should be a filename, e.g.: # '/w1/s/socalsail/foo/index.html/'; normally, though, the filename # should not be passed to the routine. # for the sake of (minimal) security, this routine will abort # if the supplied argument contains two periods in a row ('..'). umask 0000; my $full_path = shift; return if $full_path =~ /\.\./; # doesn't trust people passing '..' my @dirs = split(/\//, $full_path); my $last_element = pop @dirs; unless ($last_element =~ /\./) { push @dirs, $last_element; # put it back on if no '.' } my $this_dir; foreach (@dirs) { next unless $_; # empty element $this_dir .= "/$_"; if (-e $this_dir) { unless (-d $this_dir) { warn "$this_dir exists but is not a directory\n"; return; } } else { mkdir $this_dir, 0755 or die "couldn't mkdir $this_dir: $!"; } } return 1; } 1;