
I’m the user ‘elanus’ on the CONE Sutro Forest birdcam. I think the system is really fun, but I’ve been frustrated by the difficulty of sharing thoughts and ideas with other users. This blog is an attempt to address that.

I’m just a user of the birdcam; I have no official connection with its creators or maintainers.

Please look around, and let me know what you think. Anyone can register as a user here and leave comments on the posted articles. If you’re a user of the Sutro birdcam, you can also get ‘author’ status, allowing you to post your own articles in the blog. See the blog’s About page for details on how to do that.


6 Responses to “Greetings!”

  1. birds says:

    i agree, the system should have a chat box or some way to communicate, i suppose it could get ugly though.. “you mother as;lfj you moved it right when i was taking a shot!”, “no you idiot, look over here!” i guess this is probably safer. i found you through your ‘bald eagle’ shot, have others been finding you? perhaps a few well placed comments could do the trick

  2. elanus says:

    Thanks! Yeah, I’ve been putting in a mention of the blog here and there in comments on photos. Hopefully word will trickle out.

  3. kryptonkay says:

    Hi, I visited here a couple days ago and Love it! Now I come on everyday to get updated on the photos. I was suprised to see some of mine too! I found you through the Bald Eagle picture too, I thought someone really snapped one and I wanted to see it. I had a good laugh , and I’ve learned alot about the differant type birds. My Mom has been feeding birds for years. I love to watch them in the birdbath. There’s this crow that has been soaking bread in the bath and flying off. We think she’s feeding her babies.Some of the babies around here are the same size as the parents! It’s funny to see them ruffle their feathers and the Mom feeds them. Thanks again for this site, It’s great!

  4. elanus says:

    Wow, thanks. That’s very kind of you.

    I really enjoy your photos on the CONE SF system; you seem to be in the right place at the right time a lot of the time. 🙂

  5. vireo says:

    Thanks for this blog. I was hoping to find a place where we could communicate, all in one place since it’s difficult to chat via the comments on the pictures. There are too many of them. I found this through the “bald eagle” picture.

  6. elanus says:

    Welcome aboard! Please note that if you’d like to post your own items to the weblog, I’d be happy to set you up with ‘author’ status (which would allow you to do that). Just email me at if you’re interested in that. Thanks!

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