Fun Shots

I realize it may be a while before we get additional gameplay features from the folks on the CONE team, and I’m fine with that. One reason I’m fine with it is there are so many fun things we can do with the system in the meantime.

I mean, scoring points by entering IDs is fine, but getting a cool shot is even better. One example: This great shot of Roscoe taken by killeshin at 6:07 p.m. today:

Image 28095

And then, during the few minutes I had on the birdcam today (my first in a while), I was enjoying checking out some frisky chickadees, when I realized that it wasn’t just that they were being frisky: they were being repeatedly buzzed by an Allen’s Hummingbird. Getting a shot of something like that can be pretty tough due to the birdcam’s image-capture delay, but I snapped a bunch and got lucky with this one:

Image 28137

What could be more fun than that? 🙂

2 Responses to “Fun Shots”

  1. kryptonkay says:

    I love any picture of Roscoe but this has to be the best yet. This is the second time a hummingbird was shot on the suet feeder this week. great picture.

  2. killeshin says:

    Looking at Roscoe’s belly does anyone else think maybe old Roscoe is a she? Maybe we will have to rename Roscette?(lol)

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