Birdcam Birds Sorted by Number of ID’d Photos

Bryce Lee was kind enough to forward me a database dump of the CONE Sutro Forest metadata, which means I now can obsess much more efficiently than I could by clicking through the Public Gallery page by page.

For example, here’s a list of all the species identified in the game, along with the number of successfully ID’d photos for each:

| name                      | count(name) |
| Yellow-rumped Warbler     |           1 | 
| European Starling         |           2 | 
| Wilson's Warbler          |           3 | 
| American Crow             |           7 | 
| Hooded Oriole             |           8 | 
| Purple Finch              |           8 | 
| Pine Siskin               |           8 | 
| Lazuli Bunting            |           9 | 
| White-crowned Sparrow     |          11 | 
| Townsend's Warbler        |          12 | 
| California Towhee         |          22 | 
| Ring-necked Pheasant      |          24 | 
| Red-tailed Hawk           |          32 | 
| Song Sparrow              |          34 | 
| Allen's Hummingbird       |         182 | 
| Golden-crowned Sparrow    |         206 | 
| Downy Woodpecker          |         333 | 
| Anna's Hummingbird        |         345 | 
| Steller's Jay             |         365 | 
| Rock Pigeon               |         696 | 
| Lesser Goldfinch          |         724 | 
| American Robin            |         975 | 
| Pygmy Nuthatch            |        1275 | 
| Mourning Dove             |        1681 | 
| Chestnut-backed Chickadee |        1752 | 
| Black-headed Grosbeak     |        1789 | 
| Dark-eyed Junco           |        1998 | 
| Western Scrub-Jay         |        2742 | 
| House Finch               |        4712 | 
| House Sparrow             |        5384 | 
30 rows in set (0.16 sec)

This is going to be so much fun to play with. 🙂

2 Responses to “Birdcam Birds Sorted by Number of ID’d Photos”

  1. kryptonkay says:

    I wonder who got the most species? I miss everyone! I’ve been snapping pictures of birds everywhere I go now. The one I thought was neat was a Red shafted Flicker. I didn’t know what it was but I wrote to vireo and got the answer. Thanks vireo!

  2. elanus says:

    Haha. Yes, I’ll just bet you want to know who had the most species. And now that I ran the query to see, I can’t wait to show you. 🙂

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